The Funniest 40th Birthday Wishes They’ll Never Forget

Turning 40 is a milestone birthday, and while it may come with a few pains, it’s also a time to celebrate a life well-lived.

This collection of funny birthday wishes is perfect for a friend who can take a joke and appreciates a good dose of humor.

We’ve got witty one-liners for a card, laughable messages for a friend, and jokes about getting older that will have them laughing until their sides hurt.

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Hilarious 40th Birthday Messages For A Friend

  • Happy 40th to the friend who’s aged like a fine wine… except for the occasional memory lapse the size of a Napa vineyard.
  • 40 candles? Don’t worry, fire insurance covers extinguished dreams too.
  • They say life begins at 40. Let’s just hope a midlife crisis meltdown does not follow it.
  • Happy birthday! Finally old enough to know better, but hopefully not too old to act recklessly with me.
  • Congratulations on reaching 40! You’re officially qualified to dispense unsolicited life advice… poorly.
  • On a scale of 1 to 40, you’re a 10… at pretending you’re not turning 40 today.
  • Here’s to 40 fabulous years! (Just kidding, we all know the fabulous years are yet to come… with reading glasses.)
  • Happy 40th! May your hangovers be shorter and your ibuprofen intake be higher.
  • They say 40 is the new 30. That must be why my back feels like I’m celebrating 80! Happy belated 30th, friend!
  • Looks like you made it to 40 without adulting too hard. Here’s to many more years of pretending to have it all figured out!
  • Happy 40th! You’re officially old enough to appreciate a good nap… like, a three-hour epic nap.
  • Congratulations on level 40! Remember, with great wrinkles comes great responsibility (to laugh at ourselves).
  • Don’t worry, 40 is just a number… until you try to read the number on the grocery store price tags without glasses.
  • Happy 40th! May your coffee be strong enough to fuel your youthful spirit… and your anti-aging cream work!
  • Here’s to 40 years of questionable decisions and hilarious stories! Here’s to many more with me as your partner-in-crime!
  • Happy 40th! May your wrinkles tell beautiful stories and your joints remain flexible enough to escape awkward conversations.
  • Congratulations on hitting the big 4-0! I hope your hearing aids come with a built-in laughter track for all my upcoming jokes.
  • Don’t be sad about turning 40. Think of it as finally being old enough to get away with wearing comfy clothes everywhere! ️
  • Happy 40th! May your Netflix queue be endless and your remote control never gets lost between the couch cushions. ️
  • Here’s to 40 years of friendship! Thanks for being the partner-in-crime who makes even the most mundane midlife crisis exciting.
  • Happy 40th to the friend who’s like a fine wine… maturing gracefully (with a slight chance of occasional vinegar-like outbursts).
  • Don’t worry about the 40 candles on your cake. They’re just a metaphor for all the birthday wishes that will melt your heart (and maybe singe your eyebrows).
  • Congratulations on reaching 40! May your days be filled with sunshine, laughter, and enough adulting breaks to keep your sanity intact.
  • Happy 40th to the friend who’s still young at heart… well, at least the part of your heart that remembers all the embarrassing things we did in our 20s.
  • Here’s to 40 years of friendship! May our wrinkles tell a story of laughter, good times, and maybe a few too many tequila shots.
  • Happy 40th! May your joints stay limber enough to dance like nobody’s watching… because at this age, they probably aren’t.
  • Don’t be afraid of turning 40. It’s just another excuse to celebrate all the amazing things you’ve accomplished… and all the hilarious mistakes you’ve made along the way!

READ ALSO: 60+ Inspiring And Funny Birthday Wishes (For Yourself)

Witty One-liners For A 40th Birthday Card

  • 40? Don’t worry, it’s just a number you’ll never remember again.
  • Welcome to the age where candles cost more than the cake. Happy 40th!
  • They say life begins at 40. Let’s hope it’s not the happy hour for your liver.
  • Congratulations on reaching 40! You’re officially vintage, like a fine wine…or maybe vinegar.
  • On a scale of 1 to 40, you’re a perfect 10 (from 20 years ago). Happy Birthday!
  • Adulthood unlocked! Level 40: More wrinkles, less sleep, but hopefully, more wisdom (optional).
  • Don’t be discouraged by 40 candles. Think of it as a built-in nightlight for those bathroom trips.
  • Still rocking 40? You’re either superhuman or haven’t looked in the mirror lately. Happy Birthday!
  • 40 is like the new 30, except with better stories to tell and an even worse hangover.
  • They say 40 is the new 20. But let’s be honest, nobody wants to relive their teenage angst.
  • Happy 40th! May your bifocals be clear, your memory sharp, and your knees silent.
  • Congratulations on hitting the big 4-0! Don’t worry, they haven’t invented a midlife crisis app…yet.
  • 40 and fabulous? Let’s just go with fabulous for now. Happy Birthday!
  • You’re not getting older, you’re just getting closer to becoming a distinguished classic. Happy 40th!
  • Cheers to 40 years of making questionable decisions (but hopefully more good ones!)
  • Finally 40! May your days be filled with sunshine, laughter, and enough adult beverages to forget your age.
  • 40 is like Netflix – you finally have access to all the good stuff, but staying awake might be a challenge.
  • Happy 40th! May your wrinkles tell beautiful stories and your laugh lines be a map to endless joy.
  • Don’t be afraid of 40. It’s just a number…until you have to write it on a form and suddenly it feels huge. Happy Birthday!
  • 40 is proof that you’re still here, still kicking butt, and probably still cooler than most youngsters.
  • They say wine gets better with age. You, my friend, are a vintage that’s perfectly fermented and ready to party (responsibly, of course). Happy 40th!
  • Happy 40th! Here’s to another 40 years of questionable fashion choices, embarrassing dance moves, and unforgettable memories.
  • Don’t worry, 40 isn’t that bad. You can still wear skinny jeans…if you’re feeling particularly adventurous.
  • At 40, you’re old enough to know better, but hopefully young enough to still do it anyway. Happy Birthday!
  • Here’s to 40 years of being you! May your inner child continue to play, and your wisdom keeps you out of too much trouble.
  • 40 is the hill…but the view from the top is supposed to be amazing. Happy Birthday!
  • May your 40s be filled with more champagne toasts and fewer hangovers. Happy Birthday!
  • Congratulations on surviving 40 years! Here’s to many more adventures (and hopefully fewer trips to the doctor).
  • 40 is like a milestone – a reminder that you’ve come a long way and there’s so much exciting road ahead. Happy Birthday!
  • Happy 40th! May your wrinkles be laugh lines, your grey hair stories, and your heart forever young.

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Jokes About Getting Old For A 40th Birthday

  • You’re not 40, you’re level 40! You just unlocked the “wisdom” and “better wine tolerance” perks.
  • Don’t worry, 40 is the new 17… if you squint really hard and wear bifocals.
  • They say life begins at 40. But let’s be honest, you peaked at nap time.
  • Birthdays are like candles on a cake. The more you have, the closer you are to melting.
  • Congratulations on reaching the age where you can finally appreciate a good pair of supportive shoes.
  • You’re not getting older, you’re becoming a vintage classic like a fine wine… or maybe a slightly moldy cheese.
  • Adulting is basically spending your days googling how to do basic things your parents never taught you. Happy 40th!
  • Remember when you used to make fun of people with reading glasses? Now you squint at the menu like a confused owl.
  • 40 is when you can finally tell your boss, “My back is killing me,” without them suggesting yoga.
  • Forget the midlife crisis, you’re now officially in the “can’t remember where I parked the car” crisis.
  • The good news is, you’re old enough to know better. The bad news is, you still do the same dumb things.
  • They say wrinkles are a sign you lived a life full of laughter. Or maybe you just smiled too hard at your receding hairline.
  • Happy 40th! Here’s to finally having a good excuse to cancel plans because you’re “too tired.”
  • At 40, you’re no longer worried about peer pressure. Now you just worry about your blood pressure.
  • Telling a 40-year-old a joke about getting old may result in a swift and merciless roast in return.
  • Congrats on hitting the big 4-0! Now you can finally appreciate the finer things in life, like adult beverages that don’t come in neon colors.
  • Don’t worry about the birthday candles, you can just use your body heat to light them now.
  • Here’s to 40 years of questionable life choices and the wisdom to (maybe) not repeat them.
  • 40 is when you start googling “symptoms of a normal Tuesday.”
  • Happy 40th! May your hangovers be shorter and your memories even shorter.
  • At this point, you’re practically an antique. But hey, at least you’re valuable!
  • They say 40 is the new 30. But let’s be honest, nobody feels that new anymore.
  • Congrats on graduating from “adulting” to “barely functioning adult.”
  • Happy 40th! Here’s to hoping you can still remember where you put your phone down 5 seconds ago.
  • Don’t worry, 40 is just the beginning of your “senior discount” journey!
  • You’re not 40, you’re forty-fabulous! (But mostly just forty.)
  • At 40, you’ve (hopefully) learned the difference between wants and needs. Mostly because you can’t afford both anymore.
  • Happy 40th! May your knees continue to work for at least another decade.
  • Here’s to 40 years of life lessons, most of which you’ll probably forget by tomorrow.
  • You’re not old, you’re just perfectly aged, like a delicious cheese… or maybe a slightly expired yogurt.

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