Aaren Simpson Biography (Including Cause Of Her Death)

Loss can strike any family, regardless of fame or fortune. Aaren Simpson’s story, though tied to a celebrity figure, is a relatable one. In this guide, you’ll learn about the life and tragic passing of O.J. Simpson’s daughter, Aaren.

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Who Is Aaren Simpson?

Aaren Simpson was the daughter of O.J. Simpson and his first wife, Marguerite Whitley. She was born on September 24, 1977, in Los Angeles, California.

Aaren was the youngest of three children in the Simpson family, and her older siblings are Arnelle Simpson, born in 1968, and Jason Simpson, born in 1970.

Aaren’s parents, O.J. Simpson and Marguerite Whitley got married on June 24, 1967. At the time, they were quite young; O.J. was just 19 years old and a university student.

Marguerite was a stay-at-home mom. However, their marriage began when O.J. was starting to gain fame in the National Football League (NFL), playing as a running back for the Buffalo Bills.

O.J.’s rise to fame brought the family into the public eye, and they enjoyed a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. Despite their early years of happiness, the marriage between O.J. and Marguerite began to face challenges.

The couple’s relationship started to strain due to O.J.’s growing celebrity status and his busy schedule. These pressures eventually led to their divorce in March 1979, just a few months before Aaren’s second birthday.

Even though their marriage ended, O.J. remained an active presence in his children’s lives. Sadly, Aaren’s life was tragically short.

She had only just begun to walk when a heartbreaking accident occurred. Despite efforts to save her, she passed away soon after the accident.

Her death was a devastating blow to her family and those who knew them. Aaren’s story is a reminder of how fragile life can be, even for those who seem to have everything.

She was born into a family that experienced both social and professional success. Her father, O.J. Simpson, was a famous athlete, and her mother, Marguerite, was his high school sweetheart.

Together, they built a family that appeared to be living the American dream. However, under the surface, they faced the same kinds of challenges and heartaches that many families do.

In the end, Aaren Simpson’s life, though brief, was filled with the love and care of her family. Her memory lives on through the stories and recollections of her parents and siblings.

While her time on earth was short, her impact on her family was deep, reminding them and others of the preciousness of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.

Aaren Simpson’s Cause Of Death

Aaren Simpson, the daughter of OJ Simpson, tragically died in a drowning accident at their home. One day, while she was walking around the house, she fell into the family pool and drowned.

Her relatives found her soon after, but she was already out. They quickly called 911 for help. Before the ambulance arrived, her family tried CPR, a technique used to help someone breathe when they have stopped.

They managed to get her breathing again, but she was still in critical condition. Aaren was rushed to The University of California Medical Centre (UCLA) in Los Angeles for further treatment.

At the hospital, the doctors did everything they could to save her. They put her on life support, a machine that helps a person breathe when they cannot do it on their own.

Unfortunately, after a few days in a coma, Aaren’s condition did not improve. Despite the best efforts of her family and the medical team, Aaren died of respiratory failure.

Her lungs were not able to provide her body with enough oxygen, even with the machines helping her. She passed away on August 26, 1979, just a few days before her second birthday. Aaren’s death was a heartbreaking event for her family and everyone who knew her.

Where Is Aaren Simpson Buried?

Aaren Simpson was buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, which is in Culver City, Los Angeles. Aaren’s burial was a private affair, which means it was kept small and intimate. Only those closest to her attended the ceremony.

This type of ceremony helps to provide a more personal and meaningful goodbye for the family and friends who were there.

The choice of Holy Cross Cemetery is significant, as it is one of the more well-known cemeteries in the Los Angeles area and is known for its care and respect for those who are buried there.


Sad times can happen to any family, no matter the fame. Aaren Simpson’s story is one of sadness, but it’s also one many people can relate to, even though her dad was famous.

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